C. Michael Pilato, Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick
软件开发人员所面临的最大困惑之一就是版本控制:对信息变化的管理。《使用Subversion进行版本控制 第二版》介绍了一个理想的版本工具用于管理一个编程项目或者其他任何涉及文档共享的团队任务。这本官方指南由Subversion开发小组根据Subversion 1.5更新,涵盖了安装、配置和使用这项开源技术的每个方面。通过本书,你将:
· 理解版本控制的基本概念
· 通过全程导引的流程了解Subversion的能力和工作流
· 综合的复杂主题,如分支和合并
· 掌握高级功能,诸如属性、外部定义和管理
· 得到关于仓库、服务器设置和管理的按步骤指导
· 探讨上下文相关的排错建议
· 获得最佳实践的推荐
· 拥有Subversion的一份完整参考
C. Michael Pilato, Ben Collins-Sussman和Brian W. Fitzpatrick从Subversion的第一版出现之前就是Subversion的活跃设计师和作者。他们对于这一强大的开源版本控制系统有超过20年的各种经验。
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Fundamental Concepts
  4. The Repository
  5. Versioning Models
  6. Subversion in Action
  7. Summary
  8. 2. Basic Usage
  9. Help!
  10. Getting Data into Your Repository
  11. Initial Checkout
  12. Basic Work Cycle
  13. Examining History
  14. Sometimes You Just Need to Clean Up
  15. Summary
  16. 3. Advanced Topics
  17. Revision Specifiers
  18. Properties
  19. File Portability
  20. Ignoring Unversioned Items
  21. Keyword Substitution
  22. Sparse Directories
  23. Locking
  24. Externals Definitions
  25. Peg and Operative Revisions
  26. Changelists
  27. Network Model
  28. Summary
  29. 4. Branching and Merging
  30. What’s a Branch?
  31. Using Branches
  32. Basic Merging
  33. Advanced Merging
  34. Traversing Branches
  35. Tags
  36. Branch Maintenance
  37. Common Branching Patterns
  38. Vendor Branches
  39. Summary
  40. 5. Repository Administration
  41. The Subversion Repository, Defined
  42. Strategies for Repository Deployment
  43. Creating and Configuring Your Repository
  44. Repository Maintenance
  45. Moving and Removing Repositories
  46. Summary
  47. 6. Server Configuration
  48. Overview
  49. Choosing a Server Configuration
  50. svnserve, a Custom Server
  51. httpd, the Apache HTTP Server
  52. Path-Based Authorization
  53. Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods
  54. 7. Customizing Your Subversion Experience
  55. Runtime Configuration Area
  56. Localization
  57. Using External Editors
  58. Using External Differencing and Merge Tools
  59. Summary
  60. 8. Embedding Subversion
  61. Layered Library Design
  62. Inside the Working Copy Administration Area
  63. Using the APIs
  64. Summary
  65. 9. Subversion Complete Reference
  66. The Subversion Command-Line Client: svn
  67. svnadmin
  68. svnlook
  69. svnsync
  70. svnserve
  71. svndumpfilter
  72. svnversion
  73. mod_dav_svn Configuration Directives
  74. mod_authz_svn
  75. Subversion Properties
  76. Repository Hooks
  77. A. Subversion Quick-Start Guide
  78. B. Subversion for CVS Users
  79. C. WebDAV and Autoversioning
  80. D. Copyright
  81. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
C. Michael Pilato
C. Michael Pilato is a core Subversion developer and the primary maintainer of
ViewVC. He works remotely from his home state of North Carolina as a senior software
engineer on CollabNet’s version control team and has been an active open source developer
for over seven years. Mike is a proud husband and father who loves traveling
and spending quality time with his family. He also enjoys composing and performing
music, and harbors not-so-secret fantasies of rock stardom. Until that all works out,
though, he is content to spend his modicum of private time doing freelance web design,
graphic design, and audio and video production work. Mike has a B.S. in computer
science and mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Ben Collins-Sussman
Ben Collins-Sussman spent five years with CollabNet as one of the original designers
and founders of the Subversion project. He is currently a technical lead at Google’s
Chicago office, where he manages part of the team responsible for Google Code’s open
source project hosting service. He received his B.S. in mathematics from the University
of Chicago. In his spare time away from his wife and kids (of which there is none), he
enjoys writing musicals and playing bluegrass banjo.
Brian W. Fitzpatrick
Brian W. Fitzpatrick leads Google’s Chicago engineering efforts. Prior to joining
Google, Brian worked on Subversion, cvs2svn, and CVS as a senior software engineer
on CollabNet’s version control team, and was also a senior engineer at Apple Computer.
Brian has been an active open source contributor for over 10 years and is a
member of the Apache Software Foundation. Brian has an A.B. in classics from Loyola
University Chicago with a major in Latin, a minor in Greek, and a concentration in fine
arts and ceramics. Despite growing up in New Orleans and working for Silicon Valley
companies for most of his career, he decided years ago that Chicago was his home and
stubbornly refuses to move to California.
The animals on the cover of Version Control with Subversion, Second Edition, are
hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) or Honu’ea, as they are known in Hawaii.
The hawksbill is a medium-sized turtle weighing up to 270 pounds, with a shell length
of about 3 feet. This sea turtle can be found in tropical reef areas in the Atlantic, Pacific,
and Indian oceans. The hawksbill gets its name from its distinctive beak-like mouth,
and it is also recognized for its beautiful shell coloring, known as “tortoise shell,” which
was exploited by the fashion industry for many years. Hawksbill sea turtles are listed
as an endangered species in Hawaii and are protected under the state law as well as
many other endangered species laws.
Sea turtles are highly migratory and have unique nesting habits. Nesting occurs at night,
typically between May and October. First, the females go ashore and look for small,
isolated beaches where they can lay their eggs. After they choose a site, usually beyond
the tideline, they dig a pit with their flippers and excavate an egg chamber. Sea turtles
only nest every two to three years, but they can lay up to six clutches of eggs in one
breeding season. A single nesting can contain as many as 230 eggs, with the average
being about 130. When the last egg has been laid, the females cover the chamber with
sand and return to the sea, leaving the eggs behind.
The eggs incubate in their sand chambers for two to three months, and then hatching
takes place over several days. At birth, a hatchling is so small it can fit into the palm of
a human hand. The newborn turtles emerge from their chambers in groups at night,
when the sand is cool and there is less threat of predators. They immediately head
toward the sea, guided by the moonlight and the stars’ reflections on the water. But
they face severe challenges during this journey, and the mortality rate is high, as many
of them fall prey to shorebirds and crabs. The turtles that safely reach the ocean disappear
into it and may only venture out again years later.