ASP.NET 3.5编程(第四版,影印版)
ASP.NET 3.5编程(第四版,影印版)
Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz, Dan Maharry
通过《ASP.NET 3.5编程》你将快速学习使用微软的流行网络开发技术和Visual Studio 2008来创建具有很高水准的应用程序。这本更新后的畅销书提供了全面而又易于理解的信息来帮助你使用几项.NET 3.5的技术,加快开发速度并且提高网络应用程序的性能——包括使用ASP.NET AJAX的互动用户界面,应用LINQ进行数据访问和用Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)来创建网络服务。
《ASP.NET 3.5编程》包含例子和示例代码让你探索深层次的ASP.NET开发技术。通过本书,你将:
· 学习AJAX和ASP.NET服务器控制, 包括使用Visual Studio 2008
· 探索如何使用DataSource和ADO.NET中的数据约束控制
· 使用新的LINQ应用程序接口以及在ASP.NET网页中应用它
· 使用Master Pages来为你的整个应用程序创建统一的外观和感受
· 运用浏览控制来轻易地构建站点地图、菜单和网页导航
· 通过WCF来构建和使用各种网络服务
· 在开发过程中发现错误并在你的产品代码中处理这些错误
· 学习如何配置和部署你的网站
本书由微软技术专家Jesse Liberty、Dan Hurwitz和Dan Maharry所著,是学习如何使用微软的最新技术来构建动态互动网络应用程序的最佳书籍。
“ASP.NET 3.5是当今毫无争议的最快、最有效、最可靠和支持最好的用于创建互动网络应用程序的方式。”
Jesse Liberty 是O'Reilly的畅销书《Learning ASP.NET 3.5》、《Programming C# 3.0》和《Programming .NET 3.5》的作者。
Dan Hurwitz是Sterling Solutions有限公司的总裁,他提供编程和数据库开发的外包服务。
Dan Maharry是Co-operative Web的高级开发人员,Co-operative是一个在英国的软件开发人员的合作组织。
  1. 上卷
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Web Development in 2008
  4. AJAX
  5. .NET Framework 3.0 and 3.5
  6. Visual Studio 2008
  7. Internet Information Services 7.0
  8. Beyond 2008
  9. On to VS2008
  10. 2. Visual Studio 2008
  11. First Sight: The Start Page
  12. Creating Your First Web Page
  13. Projects and Solutions
  14. The Integrated Development Environment
  15. 3. Controls: Fundamental Concepts
  16. Events
  17. ASP.NET Server Controls
  18. AJAX Server Controls
  19. HTML Server Controls
  20. Client-Side Processing
  21. 4. Basic Controls
  22. Visual Studio Is Not Mandatory
  23. Web Forms: Plain or AJAX?
  24. Label Controls and Literal Controls
  25. TextBox Control
  26. HiddenField Control
  27. Button Controls
  28. HyperLink Control
  29. Images
  30. Selecting Values
  31. 5. More Controls
  32. Panel Controls
  33. The UpdatePanel Control
  34. MultiView and View Controls
  35. The Wizard Control
  36. The FileUpload Control
  37. The AdRotator Control
  38. The Calendar Control
  39. 6. Website Fundamentals
  40. The Page Class
  41. The Code-Behind File
  42. Moving to Another Page
  43. State
  44. Life Cycle
  45. Directives
  46. 7. Data Source Controls and Connections
  47. Sources of Data and DataSource Controls
  48. Using the ObjectDataSource Control
  49. Using the XmlDataSource Control
  50. Using the SqlDataSource Control
  51. Tracking the Data Source with Events
  52. 8. Using Data-Aware Controls
  53. Hierarchical Data Controls
  54. Tabular Data Controls
  55. Lists of Data
  56. One Record at a Time: DetailsView
  57. Many Records at a Time: GridView
  58. Templated Controls
  59. 9. ADO.NET
  60. The ADO.NET Object Model
  61. Getting Started with ADO.NET
  62. Creating Data Objects by Hand
  63. Stored Procedures
  64. Updating with SQL and ADO.NET
  65. Updating Data with Transactions
  66. Binding to Business Objects
  67. 10. Presenting LINQ
  68. Deconstructing LINQ
  69. LINQ Providers
  70. LINQ to XML
  71. LINQ to SQL
  72. 下卷
  73. 11. Validation
  74. The RequiredFieldValidator
  75. The Summary Control
  76. The Compare Validator
  77. Range Checking
  78. Regular Expressions
  79. Custom Validation
  80. Validation Groups
  81. 12. Forms-Based Security
  82. Authentication
  83. Setting Up Forms-Based Authentication
  84. 13. Master Pages and Navigation
  85. Master Pages
  86. Navigation
  87. Filtering Based on Security
  88. 14. Personalization
  89. Creating Personalized Websites
  90. Themes and Skins
  91. Web Parts
  92. 15. Custom and User Controls
  93. User Controls
  94. Custom Controls
  95. Derived Controls
  96. Composite Controls
  97. 16. Web Services
  98. Introducing Web Services
  99. Understanding Web Service Protocols and Standards
  100. Using SOAP Web Services
  101. Developing an ASP.NET SOAP Web Service
  102. Calling the Web Service
  103. Developing a WCF Web Service
  104. Creating and Consuming AJAX-Enabled Web Services
  105. Introducing REST and JSON
  106. Learning More About Web Services
  107. 17. Caching and Performance
  108. Types of Caching
  109. Data Caching
  110. Output Caching
  111. Fragment Caching: Caching Part of a Page
  112. Object Caching
  113. The HttpCachePolicy Class
  114. Performance
  115. Benchmarking and Profiling
  116. 18. Application Logic and Configuration
  117. Introducing IIS 7.0
  118. Application-Wide Logic
  119. Configuring the Application
  120. Modifying web.config with IIS 7.0
  121. Web Site Administration Tool
  122. Custom Configuration Sections
  123. 19. Tracing, Debugging, and Error Handling
  124. Creating the Sample Application
  125. Tracing
  126. Debugging
  127. Error Handling
  128. Custom Error Pages
  129. 20. Deployment
  130. Assemblies
  131. Local Deployment
  132. Global Deployment
  133. Windows Installer
  134. Web Deployment Projects
  135. 21. Epilogue: From Now to vNext
  136. (Some of) The Winnowing Process
  137. On the Stove
  138. On the Far Horizon
  139. A. Installing the AJAX Control Toolkit
  140. B. Relational Database Technology: A Crash Course
  141. C. Keyboard Shortcuts
  142. Index
书名:ASP.NET 3.5编程(第四版,影印版)
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jesse Liberty
Jesse Liberty,现在是微软公司Silverlight开发团队的一名高级项目经理,他是《Programming .NET 3.5》、《Learning ASP.NET with AJAX》(都是O'Reilly出版社出版的)以及许多其他书的作者。他是一位著名的.NET专家,他具有在PBS担任软件架构师的经验,以及在AT&T担任优秀软件工程师的经验。你可以通过http://www.JesseLiberty.com与他取得联系。

Jesse Liberty是多部著作的作者,包括O'Reilly出版的Programming ASP.NET。Jesse 是Liberty Associates公司的总裁(。这个公司提供.NET的培训、合同式编程服务,以及咨询。他曾是花旗银行电子发行部的副总裁,以及曾是AT&T、Ziff Davis、 Xerox 和PBS的杰出软件工程师(Distinguished Software Engineer)。

Jesse Liberty是许多计算机图书的作者,主题涉及面向对象编程、C++和Web编程。除本书外,还有O'Reilly即将出版的《Programming ASP.NET》。他是Liberty Associates公司(的总裁,这个公司主要提供.NET技术培训、编程和咨询。他原来是花旗银行(Citibank)电子支付部门的副总裁。还曾经在AT&T、Ziff Davis、施乐和PBS公司担任过杰出软件工程师和架构师。
Jesse Liberty是Microsoft的Silverlight Development分部的高级项目经理。他的业务卡上的名字是“Silverlight Geek”(Silverlight奇客),并且他主要负责通过Silverlight.net培育Silverlight Developer社区。
Jesse是许多图书的作者,包括O’Reilly的Programming Silverlight 2和长期的畅销书Programming C# 3.0。Jesse具有20年的开发人员、作者和顾问的经历,并且是AT&T的著名软件工程师、PBS/Learning Link的软件架构师,以及Citibank的副总裁。他对自己编写的图书提供了全面的支持,可以访问他的博客,地址是:。
Jesse Liberty, Microsoft .NET MVP, is the best-selling author of O'Reilly Media's Programming ASP.NET, Programming C#, Programming Visual Basic 2005, and over a dozen other books on web and object-oriented programming. He is president of Liberty Associates, Inc., where he provides contract programming, consulting, and on-site training in .NET.
Jesse is a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Networkweb sites, as well as many industry publications, and he has spoken at numerous events. He is a former Distinguished Software Engineer at AT&T, and Vice President for technology development at CitiBank.

Jesse Liberty is the best-selling author of O'Reilly's Learning ASP.NET with AJAX,
Programming C#, Programming .NET 3.5,and a dozen other books on programming.
He is a senior program manager at Microsoft on the Silverlight Development
Team, and a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Network web sites and publications.
Jesse is a former distinguished software engineer at AT&T and vice president for
technology development at CitiBank, and was an independent consultant for 12 years.
Dan Hurwitz
Dan Hurwitz是Sterling Solutions, Inc.的总裁,在该公司工作的近二十年中,他已经为许多客户提供了编程和数据库开发的服务。
Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for nearly two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients.
Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for nearly two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients. He has coauthored three editions of Programming ASP.NET.

Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for more than two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients.
Dan Maharry
Dan Maharry is a senior developer for Co-operative Web, a software development
workers co-op based in the UK. He specializes in working with new technologies and
has been working with .NET since its first beta. This is his twelfth book on web
development for the Microsoft platform. It is his first book for O’Reillyfollowing
successful contributions to the Wrox Beginning ASP.NET and Apress Beginning
ASP.NET Databases series. He lives with his lovelywife, Jane, and a rose bush that is
trying to engulf his house.
The animal on the cover of Programming ASP.NET 3.5, Fourth Edition, is a guitarfish,
a part of the family Rhinobatiformes and a close relative of the rays. As their
name implies, guitarfish have a unique bodyshape, with a flattened head and trunk
and a hindbodyresembling that of a shark. Their wide pectoral fins are fused to their
head, giving it a distinctive spadelike shape. Manyadult guitarfish grow to a length
of up to 6 feet, although the giant guitarfish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis) can grow to
10 feet long, weighing as much as 500 pounds. Guitarfish are typically gray or brown
on their dorsal side and white or cream-colored underneath. Theyare ovoviviparous,
meaning their eggs hatch inside the female’s body.
There are approximately45 guitarfish species inhabiting tropical, subtropical, and
temperate waters all over the world. Theyfeed on bottom-dwelling creatures such as
scallops and shrimp; an opening just behind their eyes called the spiracle allows them
to breathe while scavenging for food on the ocean floor.
Well-known guitarfish species include the bowmouth and the shovelnose. The
bowmouth guitarfish is also known as the shark-ray, thanks to large dorsal fins that
give it a sharklike appearance. It has a ridge of spikes above its eyes and along its
back and shoulders, a trait that makes it unpopular among the shrimp fisherman
whose bycatch it often comprises; the bowmouth’s spikes make it difficult to handle
and can damage the commercial catch. The shovelnose, easilyidentified byits pointy
snout, is a not-uncommon sight among snorkelers in southern California. Although
the shovelnose is generallyskittish and not considered aggressive toward humans,
there is one documented case of a scuba diver in La Jolla Cove being bitten bya male
shovelnose interrupted in his pursuit of a female guitarfish.