Richard Reese
通过对C指针和内存管理的扎实理解来提高你的编程技能。在这本贴合实际的书籍里,你将了解到指针是如何提供了相应的机制来动态操纵内存,增强对数据结构的支持,允许直接访问硬件。作者Richard Reese通过本书中的内存模型为你展示了如何在数组、字符串、结构和函数中使用指针。

· 获得针对指针的介绍,包括不同指针类型的定义
· 了解动态内存分配、释放和改变内存管理技巧
· 使用把数据传入函数或者从函数中返回数据的技术
· 理解运用指针时数组的基本特性
· 探索字符串的基本知识以及如何使用指针来支持字符串
· 探讨为什么指针会导致安全问题,比如缓冲区溢出问题
· 了解多种指针技术,诸如不透明指针、有界指针和restrict关键字

Richard Reese是位于德克萨斯州斯蒂芬维尔镇上的塔尔顿州立大学的副教授。他在工业界和教育界工作了三十多年,包括在洛克希德马丁公司从事了十年的软件开发支持工作。
  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. Pointers and Memory
  3. Pointer Size and Types
  4. Pointer Operators
  5. Common Uses of Pointers
  6. Summary
  7. Chapter 2: Dynamic Memory Management in C
  8. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  9. Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions
  10. Deallocating Memory Using the free Function
  11. Dangling Pointers
  12. Dynamic Memory Allocation Technologies
  13. Summary
  14. Chapter 3: Pointers and Functions
  15. Program Stack and Heap
  16. Passing and Returning by Pointer
  17. Function Pointers
  18. Summary
  19. Chapter 4: Pointers and Arrays
  20. Quick Review of Arrays
  21. Pointer Notation and Arrays
  22. Using malloc to Create a One-Dimensional Array
  23. Using the realloc Function to Resize an Array
  24. Passing a One-Dimensional Array
  25. Using a One-Dimensional Array of Pointers
  26. Pointers and Multidimensional Arrays
  27. Passing a Multidimensional Array
  28. Dynamically Allocating a Two-Dimensional Array
  29. Jagged Arrays and Pointers
  30. Summary
  31. Chapter 5: Pointers and Strings
  32. String Fundamentals
  33. Standard String Operations
  34. Passing Strings
  35. Returning Strings
  36. Function Pointers and Strings
  37. Summary
  38. Chapter 6: Pointers and Structures
  39. Introduction
  40. Structure Deallocation Issues
  41. Avoiding malloc/free Overhead
  42. Using Pointers to Support Data Structures
  43. Chapter 7: Security Issues and the Improper Use of Pointers
  44. Pointer Declaration and Initialization
  45. Pointer Usage Issues
  46. Memory Deallocation Issues
  47. Using Static Analysis Tools
  48. Summary
  49. Chapter 8: Odds and Ends
  50. Casting Pointers
  51. Aliasing, Strict Aliasing, and the restrict Keyword
  52. Threads and Pointers
  53. Object-Oriented Techniques
  54. Summary
作者:Richard Reese
原版书书名:Understanding and Using C Pointers
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Richard Reese
华盛顿州塔尔顿州立大学副教授。reese自2002年起就在塔尔顿州立大学教授计算机科学课程,此前在洛克希德·马丁公司做过十年的软件开发。reese著有多本技术图书,包括oracle certified associate,java se 7 programmer study guide,java 7 new features cookbook,ejb 3.1 cookbook等。
Richard Reese has worked in the industry and academics for the past 29 years. For 10 years he provided software development support at Lockheed and at one point developed a C based network application. He was a contract instructor providing software training to industry for 5 years. Richard is currently an Associate Professor at Tarleton State University in Stephenville Texas.
The animal on the cover of Understanding and Using C Pointers is the piping crow-shrike,or Australian magpie (Cracticus tibicen). Not to be confused with the piping crow found in Indonesia, the Australian magpie is not a crow at all; it is related to butcherbirds and is native to Australia and southern New Guinea. There were once three separate species of Australian magpie, but interbreeding has resulted in the coalescence of their three species into one.

Australian magpies have black heads and bodies with varied black and white plumage on their backs, wings, and tails. The Australian magpie is also called the piping crowshrike due to its multi-tonal, complex vocalizations. Like true crows, the Australian magpie is omnivorous, though it prefers to eat insect larvae and other invertebrates. It lives in groups of up to two dozen, and all members generally defend the group territory.

During springtime, however, some breeding males will become defensive of their nests and will engage in swooping attacks on passersby, including human and their pets.

This magpie is a non-migratory bird and has adapted to human environments, as well as to a mix of forested and open areas. For that reason, it is not endangered, and although it is considered a pest species in neighboring New Zealand, the magpie may be very useful in Australia for keeping the invasive cane toad in check. When introduced to Australia, the cane toad had no natural predators, and its toxic secretions ensured the multiplication of its numbers. However, the highly intelligent magpie has learned to flip over the cane toad, pierce its underbelly, and use its long beak to eat the toad’s organs, thus bypassing the poisonous skin. Researchers are hopeful that the Australian magpiewill become a natural predator of the cane toad and aid in population control.