原版书书名:Physics for Game Developers, 2nd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
David M. Bourg
在担任造船师及航海工程师时,曾经完成电脑模拟和研发分析工具程序,可测量舰艇的性能和计算舰艇在运动时水波的影响。他还教授大专的船体设计、建造和分析等相关课程。David也在高中讲授造船及软体开发等主题的课程。除了有工程实际的背景之外,他也在自己的公司(Crescent Vision Interactive,www.crescentvision.com)从事专业的电脑游戏研发和咨询工作。现在参与的项目有大型的多人线上角色扮演游戏,以Java写成的多人游戏,以及许多Macintosh移植到PC的游戏。此外,David目前也在攻读工程及应用科学系的博士学位。
Bryan Bywalec
Ever since his father read A Brief History of Time to him in middle school, Bryan Bywalec wanted to be an astrophysicist. While he will always have a passion for pure physics, he became more and more obsessed in high school with the application of those physical principles he was learning. Having been around sailboats his entire life, his decision to seek a degree in Naval Architecture at the University of New Orleans surprised few.
While working on his degree, Mr. Bywalec was employed as a network administrator for the College of Engineering. Having an office in an electronics lab, he explored the world of enterprise computing and became very interested in high performance clusters, remote administration of desktops, and robotics.
Upon graduating in 2007, he began his career at MiNO Marine, LLC and, under the guidance of David Bourg and Kenneth Humphreys, now focuses on finite element analysis of complex welded steel structures. His structural analysis work depends largely on the accurate approximations of non-linear physical systems. Bryan has completed several computational fluid dynamics simulations of exhaust gases from ship stacks and current flow around offshore structures.
In addition to his work as a naval architect, Bryan strives to create innovative ways to connect everyday objects to various control networks. From unlocking door locks via text message to developing a real time street car tracking program, he constantly searches for opportunities to integrate technology into his life.
The animals on the cover of Physics for Game Developers, 2nd Edition are a cat and amouse. The age-old rivalry between cat and mouse has been the topic of many children’sbooks and Saturday cartoons. From traditional folk tales, such as Aesop’s fables andGrimm Brothers’ fairy tales, to today’s cartoons, such as Tom & Jerry , the cat has chasedand bullied the mouse and the mouse has avoided becoming lunch. The cat may bebigger and stronger, but the mouse is small, fast, and can fit in tight spaces, so the endresult is often a battle of wits.The cover image is from a 19-century engraving from the Dover Pictorial Archive. Thecover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Adobe Minion Pro; the headingfont is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is Dalton Maag’s Ubuntu Mono.