Alasdair Allan
获取为iPhone和iPod Touch编程所需的实战经验。有了这本易学易用的指南,你将通过学习如何运用Xcode、Objective-C编程语言与核心框架,构建多个样例应用程序。在你掌握它之前,你将不仅拥有开发应用的技能,还会知道如何顺利完成提交应用到iTunes App Store的流程。
无论你是一位Mac编程新手还是摩拳擦掌准备上手iPhone和iPod Touch的Mac开发行家,《学习iPhone编程》都将为你构建面向市场的iPhone应用开一个好头。

· 立即开始使用Xcode,并且学习如何操作Interface Builder
· 利用模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构和Objective-C
· 构建一个数据条目界面,学习如何解析和存储所收到的数据
· 在构建大量富有挑战的样例应用时,解决一些典型的问题
· 理解App Store和ad hoc发布的要求及相关细节
· 使用iPhone的加速表、临近传感器、GPS、数字罗盘和摄像头
· 将你的应用与iPhone偏好设置、媒体回放等功能集成

“《学习iPhone编程》涵盖了一位有追求的程序员在iPhone OS平台上开始工作所需的一切内容。我认为它全面而且非常可读。力荐!”
—— Fraser Speirs总监,Connected Flow有限公司,FlickrExport的作者

Alasdair Allan是一位Exeter大学资深研究员,他负责构建P2P望远镜网络。他还忙于制作开源硬件,还有一系列用于管理云服务和监控分布式传感器网络的iPhone应用。

  1. Preface
  2. 1. Why Go Native?
  3. The Pros and Cons
  4. Why Write Native Applications?
  5. The Release Cycle
  6. Build It and They Will Come
  7. 2. Becoming a Developer
  8. Registering As an iPhone Developer
  9. Enrolling in the iPhone Developer Program
  10. The Apple Developer Connection
  11. Installing the iPhone SDK
  12. Preparing Your iPhone or iPod touch
  13. Creating a Development Certificate
  14. Getting the UDID of Your Development Device
  15. Creating an App ID
  16. Creating a Mobile Provisioning Profile
  17. Making Your Device Available for Development
  18. 3. Your First iPhone App
  19. Objective-C Basics
  20. Object-Oriented Programming
  21. The Objective-C Object Model
  22. The Basics of Objective-C Syntax
  23. Creating a Project
  24. Exploring the Project in Xcode
  25. Our Project in Interface Builder
  26. Adding Code
  27. Connecting the Outlets in Interface Builder
  28. Putting the Application on Your iPhone
  29. 4. Coding in Objective-C
  30. Declaring and Defining Classes
  31. Declaring a Class with the Interface
  32. Defining a Class with the Implementation
  33. Object Typing
  34. Properties
  35. Synthesizing Properties
  36. The Dot Syntax
  37. Declaring Methods
  38. Calling Methods
  39. Calling Methods on nil
  40. Memory Management
  41. Creating Objects
  42. The Autorelease Pool
  43. The alloc, retain, copy, and release Cycle
  44. The dealloc Method
  45. Responding to Memory Warnings
  46. Fundamental iPhone Design Patterns
  47. The Model-View-Controller Pattern
  48. Views and View Controllers
  49. The Delegates and DataSource Pattern
  50. Conclusion
  51. 5. Table-View-Based Applications
  52. Simplifying the Template Classes
  53. Creating a Table View
  54. Organizing and Navigating Your Source Code
  55. Connecting the Outlets
  56. Building a Model
  57. Adding Images to Your Projects
  58. Connecting the Controller to the Model
  59. Mocking Up Functionality with Alert Windows
  60. Adding Navigation Controls to the Application
  61. Adding a City View
  62. Edit Mode
  63. Deleting a City Entry
  64. Adding a City Entry
  65. The “Add New City...” Interface
  66. Capturing the City Data
  67. 6. Other View Controllers
  68. Utility Applications
  69. Making the Battery Monitoring Application
  70. Tab Bar Applications
  71. Refactoring the Template
  72. Adding Another Tab Bar Item
  73. Finishing Up
  74. Modal View Controllers
  75. Modifying the City Guide Application
  76. The Image Picker View Controller
  77. Adding the Image Picker to the City Guide Application
  78. 7. Connecting to the Network
  79. Detecting Network Status
  80. Apple’s Reachability Class
  81. Embedding a Web Browser in Your App
  82. A Simple Web View Controller
  83. Displaying Static HTML Files
  84. Getting Data Out of a UIWebView
  85. Sending Email
  86. Getting Data from the Internet
  87. Synchronous Requests
  88. Asynchronous Requests
  89. Using Web Services
  90. 8. Handling Data
  91. Data Entry
  92. UITextField and Its Delegate
  93. UITextView and Its Delegate
  94. Parsing XML
  95. Parsing XML with libxml2
  96. Parsing XML with NSXMLParser
  97. Parsing JSON
  98. The Twitter Search Service
  99. The Twitter Trends Application
  100. Regular Expressions
  101. Introduction to Regular Expressions
  102. Storing Data
  103. Using Flat Files
  104. Storing Information in an SQL Database
  105. Core Data
  106. 9. Distributing Your Application
  107. Adding Missing Features
  108. Adding an Icon
  109. Adding a Launch Image
  110. Changing the Display Name
  111. Enabling Rotation
  112. Building and Signing
  113. Ad Hoc Distribution
  114. Developer-to-Developer Distribution
  115. App Store Distribution
  116. Submitting to the App Store
  117. The App Store Resource Center
  118. Reasons for Rejection
  119. 10. Using Sensors
  120. Hardware Support
  121. Determining Available Hardware Support
  122. Setting Required Hardware Capabilities
  123. Using the Camera
  124. The Core Location Framework
  125. Location-Dependent Weather
  126. Using the Accelerometer
  127. Writing an Accelerometer Application
  128. Using the Digital Compass
  129. Accessing the Proximity Sensor
  130. Using Vibration
  131. 11. Geolocation and Mapping
  132. User Location
  133. Annotating Maps
  134. 12. Integrating Your Application
  135. Application Preferences
  136. Accessing Global Preferences
  137. Custom URL Schemes
  138. Using Custom Schemes
  139. Registering Custom Schemes
  140. Media Playback
  141. Using the Address Book
  142. Interactive People Picking
  143. Programmatic People Picking
  144. 13. Other Native Platforms
  145. PhoneGap
  146. Download and Installation
  147. Building a PhoneGap Project
  148. MonoTouch
  149. Download and Installation
  150. Building a MonoTouch Project
  151. 14. Going Further
  152. Cocoa and Objective-C
  153. The iPhone SDK
  154. Web Applications
  155. Core Data
  156. Push Notifications
  157. In-App Purchase
  158. Core Animation
  159. Game Kit
  160. Writing Games
  161. Look and Feel
  162. Hardware Accessories
  163. Index
作者:Alasdair Allan
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Alasdair Allan
Alasdair Allan is a senior research fellow in astronomy at the University of Exeter. As
part of his work there, he is building a distributed peer-to-peer network of telescopes
that, acting autonomously, will reactively schedule observations of time-critical events.
On the side, Alasdair runs a small technology consulting business writing bespoke
software and building open hardware, and he is currently developing a series of iPhone
applications to monitor and manage cloud-based services and distributed sensor
The animal on the cover of Learning iPhone Programming is a lapwing (Vanellus vanellus),
also known as a northern lapwing, a peewit, or a green plover. This wading bird
is 11–13 inches long with a 26–28 inch wingspan, a black crest, and rounded wings.
Although its plumage is predominantly black and white, the upperparts are metallic
green or bronze. The name lapwing may refer to the sound its wings make in flight, to
its erratic flight pattern, or to its practice of pretending to have a broken wing in order
to fool predators. The name peewit mimics the sound of its call. One of the lapwing’s
unique habits is the tumbling flight performed by the male during breeding season: it
flies up, wheels, darts down, and climbs again, all while making its shrill cry.
The lapwing is common throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia, and
occasionally makes its way to Alaska and Canada. It has an extensive range and may
winter as far south as Africa, India, and China. The lapwing migrates in large flocks,
which can be found on farmland, pastures, and wetlands searching for worms and
Lapwing populations have declined since the 1980s, as the species has been affected
by intensive agricultural practices, increases in grazing density, and climate change. It
is now protected in the European Union, although parts of the Netherlands still enjoy
the traditional hunt for the first lapwing egg of the year, thought to be a herald of spring.
This hunt is allowed only from March 1 to April 9, and the actual collection of eggs is
prohibited by law.