书名:Google App Engine开发(影印版)
作者:Charles Severance 著
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
The animal on the cover of Using Google App Engine is a great gray shrike (Lanius
excubitor). The great gray shrike is found in Europe and Asia, and in North America,
in Canada and Alaska. It is approximately 22–26 cm long, with a white belly, and it is
pearlish-gray on top. It has black wings, a black tail, and a characteristic black stripe
running through its eye. A solitary bird, it can usually be found sitting alone atop a
bush or post scanning the ground for prey, which includes everything from insects to
mice and other birds. It uses its feet to capture smaller prey such as bees or flies, but it
has to impale larger prey on a sharp object, such as a thorn; once the prey is secure, the
great gray shrike can use its strong hooked bill to devour it.