Christian Wenz
Christian Wenz是一位擅长于Web技术和Web应用程序安全的作家、培训师和咨询师。Christian已为各家出版商编著及合著了大约100本书籍。他同时使用开源和闭源Web技术,这使得他获得非比寻常的荣誉,不但被授予Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET,还被Zend列入其《Who Is Who of PHP》中。同时他还被列入Mozilla的荣誉堂,并被认为是独立于浏览器的JavaScript领域中的专家。除了编写和参与Web项目之外,Christian还经常参加世界各地与Web技术有关的开发人员会议,在这些会议上发表演讲。其中包括2005年的Microsoft TechEd Europe大会(BOF会议)、2008年的ASP.NET Connections及迄今为止的所有Zend Conference。
Christian Wenz is a trainer and consultant who has written more than 50 books. He works with both open source and closed source web technologies, has been awarded a Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET, and is listed in Zend’s Who’s Who of PHP.
Christian is also listed in Mozilla’s credits (about:credits) and is considered an expert in browser-agnostic JavaScript.
The animal on the cover of Programming ASP.NET AJAX is a black murex snail
(hexaplex nigritus). The black murex is found off the coast of California and Mexico.
As it ages, its shell turns from white to predominately black. However, pure white or
black shells are very rare. Mature black murexes are about 6 inches (15 centimeters)
Black murex snails are carnivorous gastropods. Their diet is composed of bivalve
mollusks, including oysters, clams, and sea anemone. Gastropods kill their prey by
various means, including smothering, tearing, or boring into the shell by using an
acidic mucus to weaken the outside surface.
The murex snail played a crucial role in the culture and trade of the ancient Phoenicians.
They crushed the murex in order to extract a purple-red secretion used to dye
fabric. It is estimated that some 10,000 snails were needed to dye one toga. As a
result, only royalty could afford the precious dye for clothing. When the dye was
combined with silk imported from China, the purple garments were worth more
than their weight in gold. Purple has since been equated with royalty, but the red of
papal robes and the blue in the flag of Israel are also derivative of murex snail dye.