Christian Wenz
“这是关于一个令人瞩目的新平台的权威著作。Wenz为ASP.NET AJAX所写下的文字就如Grisham写的那些法庭小说一样令人惊叹。太棒了!”
——Jeff Prosise, Wintellect

传授关于构建丰富Web 2.0风格的相关工作经验并非易事。本书提供微软ASP.NET AJAX 1.0实用而全面的介绍,与ASP.NET给服务器端开发带来的众多益处一样,该框架给Ajax开发也带来了诸多便利。拥有《ASP.NET AJAX编程》,你将学会如何使用Ajax快速创建专业的动态Web页面。

本书运用大量代码样例,全方位展现该框架的各个关键部分,不仅是那些想在应用程序开发中尝试Ajax的ASP.NET开发者,也是任何对ASP.NET AJAX感兴趣的Web开发者的理想读物——无论他们现在在使用什么开发技术。

《ASP.NET AJAX编程》为你提供:

* ASP.NET AJAX框架的高级概要
* 可剪切/粘贴用于个人应用程序的功能代码
* JavaScript和Ajax的关键要点,以帮助你理解框架所使用的各项独立技术
* 反映框架软件包构成的内容编排,包含扩展、控件工具包、Futures CTP和AJAX程序库等
* 关于如何编写你自己的控件以及如何向社区工具包贡献代码的说明
* 将标准AJAX程序库用于其他平台(如 PHP)的方法
* 用一整章的篇幅讨论使用更新面板(UpdatePanel)控件,让Web页面中的多个部分可以独立更新——该框架最重要的元素之一

本书此前曾以“Programming Atlas”为名出版,涵盖该微软框架的beta版本,而如今已完全更新并扩展至ASP.NET AJAX 1.0正式发布版。《ASP.NET AJAX编程》包含了很多难以发现的细节,并通过一些非正式途径完成任务。就这个新框架而言,本书是最理想的知识来源。

Christian Wenz是一位培训师和咨询师,撰写过50余本书籍。他同时使用开源和闭源Web技术开发,曾被授予“微软的ASP/ASP.NET MVP”称号,并且列入Zend的“Who’s Who”PHP专家名录。Chritian是独立于浏览器(browser-agnostic)的JavaScript开发专家,还被列入Mozilla贡献者名单(about:credits)。
  1. Preface
  2. Part I. Basics
  3. 1. ASP.NET AJAX, Ajax, and ASP.NET
  4. ASP.NET AJAX and Ajax
  6. ASP.NET AJAX Prerequisites and Installation
  7. ASP.NET AJAX Structure and Architecture
  8. A First ASP.NET AJAX Example: Hello User
  9. The ScriptManager Control
  10. Summary
  11. For Further Reading
  12. 2. JavaScript
  13. The JavaScript Language
  14. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  15. Accessing Page Elements
  16. DOM Methods
  17. Summary
  18. For Further Reading
  19. 3. Ajax
  20. The XMLHttpRequest Object
  21. The XMLDocument Object
  22. JSON
  23. Summary
  24. For Further Reading
  25. Part II. ASP.NET AJAX Extensions
  26. 4. Using ASP.NET AJAX JavaScript Extensions
  27. ASP.NET AJAX Shortcuts and Helper Functions
  28. Extensions to Existing JavaScript Objects
  29. ASP.NET AJAX OOP Features for JavaScript
  30. Client Versions of .NET Classes
  31. Summary
  32. For Further Reading
  33. 5. Web Services
  34. Error Handling
  35. Page Methods
  36. Maintaining Session State
  37. Exchanging Complex Data with the Server
  38. Consuming Web Services with JavaScript
  39. Summary
  40. For Further Reading
  41. 6. UpdatePanel: Refreshing Only Parts of a Page
  42. Making a Page Region Updatable
  43. Summary
  44. For Further Reading
  45. 7. Using the ASP.NET AJAX Profile Service
  46. Preparing the Web Site
  47. Accessing Profile Data
  48. Accessing Profile Group Data
  49. Summary
  50. For Further Reading
  51. 8. Using the ASP.NET AJAX Authentication Service
  52. Preparing the Application
  53. Login and Logout
  54. Summary
  55. For Further Reading
  56. 9. Localizing and Globalizing Applications
  57. Localization
  58. Globalization and Internationalization
  59. Summary
  60. For Further Reading
  61. Part III. ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
  62. 10. Using the Control Toolkit
  63. Installing the Control Toolkit
  64. Using the Control Toolkit
  65. Summary
  66. For Further Reading
  67. 11. Adding Animation to a Web Page
  68. Animation Framework
  69. Drag-and-Drop
  70. Summary
  71. For Further Reading
  72. 12. Autocompleting User Input, Fighting Spam, and More
  73. Creating an Accordion Pane
  74. Maintaining the Relative Position of an Element
  75. Adding Autocomplete Behavior to a TextBox Control
  76. Attaching a Calendar to a Text Field
  77. Dynamically Collapsing a Single Panel
  78. Displaying a Pop Up Over a Page
  79. Fighting Spam in Blogs and in Other Entry Forms
  80. Creating a Tabbed Interface
  81. Summary
  82. For Further Reading
  83. 13. Writing Custom Controls and Contributing to the Community
  84. Writing Custom ASP.NET AJAX Controls
  85. Contributing to the Control Toolkit
  86. Summary
  87. For Further Reading
  88. Part IV. ASP.NET AJAX Futures
  89. 14. Client Controls
  90. Introducing ASP.NET AJAX Client Controls
  91. Using ASP.NET AJAX Controls
  92. Handling Control Events
  93. Summary
  94. For Further Reading
  95. 15. Binding and Validating Data
  96. Data Binding
  97. Data Validation
  98. Summary
  99. For Further Reading
  100. 16. Using Behaviors and Components
  101. Using Behaviors
  102. Using Components
  103. Summary
  104. For Further Reading
  105. 17. Using Server Data
  106. Using a ListView Control
  107. Creating a Custom Data Source
  108. Summary
  109. For Further Reading
  110. 18. Using Remote Web Services
  111. Using the Google Web Service
  112. Using the Amazon Web Service
  113. Transforming a Web Service Result with XSLT
  114. Using the Yahoo! Web Service (and REST and XPath)
  115. Summary
  116. For Further Reading
  117. 19. Using Animations
  118. Using Animations
  119. Using an Animation to Create a Fade Effect
  120. Summary
  121. For Further Reading
  122. 20. Fixing Bookmarks and Back/Forward Buttons
  123. Fixing with Code
  124. Fixing Bookmarks and Back/Forward Buttons with Controls Using
  125. UpdateHistory
  126. Fixing Bookmarks and Back/Forward Buttons with Controls Using the
  127. ASP.NET AJAX Futures
  128. Summary
  129. For Further Reading
  130. 21. Web Parts
  131. Using ASP.NET AJAX with ASP.NET Web Parts
  132. Summary
  133. For Further Reading
  134. Part V. Microsoft AJAX Library
  135. 22. Using ASP.NET AJAX with Other Server Technologies
  136. Using ASP.NET AJAX with PHP
  137. Summary
  138. For Further Reading
  139. Part VI. Appendixes
  140. A. Debugging ASP.NET AJAX Applications
  141. B. XMLHttpRequest Reference
  142. C. DOM Reference
  143. D. ASP.NET AJAX Reference
  144. E. ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress, and Timer
  145. Declarative Reference
  146. Index
书名:ASP.NET AJAX编程(影印版)
作者:Christian Wenz
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Christian Wenz
Christian Wenz是一位擅长于Web技术和Web应用程序安全的作家、培训师和咨询师。Christian已为各家出版商编著及合著了大约100本书籍。他同时使用开源和闭源Web技术,这使得他获得非比寻常的荣誉,不但被授予Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET,还被Zend列入其《Who Is Who of PHP》中。同时他还被列入Mozilla的荣誉堂,并被认为是独立于浏览器的JavaScript领域中的专家。除了编写和参与Web项目之外,Christian还经常参加世界各地与Web技术有关的开发人员会议,在这些会议上发表演讲。其中包括2005年的Microsoft TechEd Europe大会(BOF会议)、2008年的ASP.NET Connections及迄今为止的所有Zend Conference。
Christian Wenz is a trainer and consultant who has written more than 50 books. He works with both open source and closed source web technologies, has been awarded a Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET, and is listed in Zend’s Who’s Who of PHP.
Christian is also listed in Mozilla’s credits (about:credits) and is considered an expert in browser-agnostic JavaScript.
The animal on the cover of Programming ASP.NET AJAX is a black murex snail
(hexaplex nigritus). The black murex is found off the coast of California and Mexico.
As it ages, its shell turns from white to predominately black. However, pure white or
black shells are very rare. Mature black murexes are about 6 inches (15 centimeters)
Black murex snails are carnivorous gastropods. Their diet is composed of bivalve
mollusks, including oysters, clams, and sea anemone. Gastropods kill their prey by
various means, including smothering, tearing, or boring into the shell by using an
acidic mucus to weaken the outside surface.
The murex snail played a crucial role in the culture and trade of the ancient Phoenicians.
They crushed the murex in order to extract a purple-red secretion used to dye
fabric. It is estimated that some 10,000 snails were needed to dye one toga. As a
result, only royalty could afford the precious dye for clothing. When the dye was
combined with silk imported from China, the purple garments were worth more
than their weight in gold. Purple has since been equated with royalty, but the red of
papal robes and the blue in the flag of Israel are also derivative of murex snail dye.