学习 WCF(影印版)
学习 WCF(影印版)
Michele Leroux Bustamante

—— Ted Neward,http://www.tedneward.com

这本易学易用的书是为那些想要透彻掌握微软Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)新框架以创建面向服务的应用程序的中高级开发者们所编写的。


· 合约——学习设计服务合约、为复杂类型的序列化创建数据合约、使用其他可序列化类型以及执行自定义序列化以处理合约优先与合约版本化场景。

· 绑定——揭示每个内网或者互联网应用程序的核心绑定的实际用途,并学会如何自定义那些特定场景的绑定配置,例如大型消息和流的处理。

· 宿主——了解多种宿主环境的合适用途和相应好处,包括Windows应用、Windows服务、IIS和Windows激活服务。

· 实例与并发——将服务配置成singleton运行,以提供应用会话支持或作为可扩展的无会话服务,并且学习如何管理吞吐量和抑制请求。

· 可靠性——应用诸如可信赖会话、分布式事务和队列消息等功能。

· 安全性——了解WCF如何支持双向认证和消息保护的基本安全需求、学习如何管理运行时身份、探索多种授权模式等。

· 异常和错误——学习错误处理相关概念,包括调试技巧、异常管理和错误合约。

  1. Forewords
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Hello Indigo
  4. Service Oriented Architecture
  5. WCF Services
  6. Fundamental WCF Concepts
  7. Creating a New Service from Scratch
  8. Generating a Service and Client Proxy
  9. Hosting a Service in IIS
  10. Exposing Multiple Service Endpoints
  11. Summary
  12. 2. Contracts
  13. Messaging Protocols
  14. Service Description
  15. WCF Contracts and Serialization
  16. Service Contracts
  17. Data Contracts
  18. Message Contracts
  19. Approaches to Serialization
  20. The Message Type
  21. Summary
  22. 3. Bindings
  23. How Bindings Work
  24. Web Service Bindings
  25. Connection-Oriented Bindings
  26. One-Way and Duplex Communication
  27. Large Message Transfers
  28. Custom Bindings
  29. Summary
  30. 4. Hosting
  31. Hosting Features
  32. ServiceHost
  33. Self-Hosting
  34. Hosting on the UI Thread
  35. Hosting in a Windows Service
  36. Hosting in IIS 6.0
  37. IIS 7.0 and Windows Activation Service
  38. Choosing the Right Hosting Environment
  39. Summary
  40. 5. Instancing and Concurrency
  41. OperationContext
  42. Instancing
  43. Concurrency
  44. Instance Throttling
  45. Load Balancing and Failover
  46. Summary
  47. 6. Reliability
  48. Reliable Sessions
  49. Transactions
  50. Queued Calls
  51. Summary
  52. 7. Security
  53. WCF Security Overview
  54. Securing Intranet Services
  55. Securing Internet Services
  56. Working with Certificates
  57. Building a Claims-Based Security Model
  58. Exploring Federated Security
  59. Summary
  60. 8. Exceptions and Faults
  61. SOAP Faults
  62. WCF Exception Handling
  63. Exceptions and Debugging
  64. Fault Contracts
  65. IErrorHandler
  66. Summary
  67. A. Setup Instructions
  68. B. ASP.NET Meets CardSpace
  69. Index
书名:学习 WCF(影印版)
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Michele Leroux Bustamante
Michele Leroux Bustamante是IDesign公司的首席架构师、微软圣地亚哥地区总监、微软互联系统的MVP(最有价值专家)和BEA技术总监。在IDesign,Michele负责培训、指导和提供高端架构咨询服务,重点在Web服务方面,.NET、互操作和整体架构的可扩展性与安全性构建方面。她是INETA(International .NET Speakers Association)的成员,经常作为SD West会议的主席和演讲者,并且经常在一些主流的技术期刊上发表文章。Michele还是IASA(International Association of Software Architects)的董事会成员和UCSD Extension的课程顾问(Program Advisor)。可以通过mlb@idesign.net和她联系,或者访问www.idesign.net和她的博客www.dasblonde.net。Michele还专门为本书建立了博客:www.thatindigogirl.com。
Michele Leroux Bustamante is Chief Architect of IDesign Inc., Microsoft Regional
Director for San Diego, Microsoft MVP for Connected Systems, and a BEA Technical
Director. At IDesign, Michele provides training, mentoring, and high-end architecture
consulting services focusing on web services, scalable and secure architecture design
for .NET, interoperability, and globalization architecture. She is a member of the International
.NET Speakers Association (INETA), a frequent conference presenter,
conference chair for SD West, and is frequently published in several major technology
journals. Michele is also on the board of directors for IASA (International Association
of Software Architects) and a Program Advisor to UCSD Extension. Contact her at
mlb@idesign.net, or visit www.idesign.net and her main blog at www.dasblonde.net.
Michele has also provided a blog for this book at www.thatindigogirl.com.
The animal on the cover of Learning WCF is a marine fish commonly referred to as a damselfish (demoiselle). Damselfish and clownfish comprise the family Pomacentridae and are found in tropical waters throughout the world, though mainly in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. The damselfish, of which there are about 250 species, has a deep, compressed body, a small mouth, and an anal fin with two (occasionally three)spines. Its average length in captivity is about 2 inches, but in the wild, the largest member of this subfamily reaches over 14 inches.Coloration varies according to species, location, and age; these fish often lose their brightness as adults.
Because damselfish are extremely hardy, they are often captured and bred in aquariums.They are sometimes used to break in a new aquarium, but this is considered an old-school practice and is frowned upon by advanced aquarists. In captivity,damselfish can become quite aggressive among themselves and toward other tankmates,disrupting an otherwise peaceful environment. In the wild, they tend to stay in small schools while young and eventually break away to become solitary as adults.
Some damselfish live with anemones in a comensal relationship, meaning that each party benefits from the arrangement. In its natural habitat, this entertaining little fish can live up to 20 years.