学习ASP.NET 2.0与AJAX(影印版)
学习ASP.NET 2.0与AJAX(影印版)
Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz, Brian MacDonald
学习本书,Web开发者可以使用微软最新的Web开发工具:ASP.NET 2.0与新的ASP.NET AJAX框架,建立迷人的交互站点和应用程序。你将学会如何创建应用程序,其中包括所有你在流行商业网站上见过的精彩技巧,诸如订购表单和交互数据库,以及如何建立无需刷新的交互显示页面等。这本教程会直截了当地教你怎么做。

《学习ASP.NET 2.0与AJAX》通过大量有注释的例子、VB及SQL速查表、图示和章节概要,帮助你掌握微软工具的概念和技术。每个章节还包括一个独立的“头脑体操(Brain Builder)”部分,提供实践练习和复习问题,因此你可以随着学习进程不断操练新的技能,并测试自己对知识的理解程度。拥有这本书,你将可以:

* 掌握ASP.NET 2.0的基本技能,以创建专业质量的Web应用程序
* 为建立更闪亮、更交互的站点,将新的Ajax工具及CSS与ASP.NET 2.0整合
* 使用Visual Studio或其免费版Visual Web Developer,以最少的代码构建应用程序
* 调试应用程序、处理意外的问题并保护站点免受恶毒用户的攻击
* 将站点与数据库连接,使用户可以获取、交互和存储数据
* 使用社区维护的ASP.NET AJAX控件工具包扩展ASP.NET AJAX随附的控件
* 用个性化工具给每个用户展现定制的网站界面


Jesse Liberty,微软Silverlight开发团队高级项目经理,是O'Reilly畅销书《Programming ASP.NET》、《Programming C#》以及其他多部图书的作者。

Dan Hurwitz是Sterling Solutions公司总裁,他为众多客户提供编程外包和数据库开发服务。Dan是三个版本的《Programming ASP.NET》(O'Reilly)合著者。

Brian MacDonald已为主流出版社编辑了多部编程和网络书籍,主题涉及从Windows服务器安全到PHP Web编程,乃至在eBay上做生意等。他还是O'Reilly的《Learning C# 2005》一书的合著者。
  1. Cheat Sheets Preface
  2. 1. Getting Started
  3. Hello World
  4. Creating a New Web Site
  5. Creating HelloWorld
  6. Making the HelloWorld Web Site Interactive
  7. What You Just Did
  8. Summary
  9. Brain Builder
  10. 2. Building Web Applications
  11. Mastering Web Site Fundamentals
  12. The Page
  13. Controls
  14. Code-Behind Files
  15. Events and Postbacks
  16. Synchronous and Asynchronous Postbacks
  17. The Page Load event and synchronous postback
  18. Adding asynchronous postbacks
  19. Controls
  20. Organizing the Properties Window
  21. Finding properties with IntelliSense
  22. Basic Controls
  23. Creating Tables
  24. Setting Properties
  25. Selection Controls
  26. Panels
  27. Selection Controls
  28. Adding controls with the Item editor
  29. Adding items in Source View
  30. More Selection Controls
  31. Displaying Text
  32. Images
  33. Links
  34. LinkButtons
  35. Source Code
  36. Summary
  37. Brain Builder
  38. 3. Snappier Web Sites with AJAX
  39. Take a Walk on the Client Side
  40. ScriptManager
  41. Extending Controls with the Control Toolkit
  42. TextBoxWaterMarkExtender
  43. PopupControlExtender
  44. CollapsiblePanelExtender
  45. Source Code Listing
  46. Summary
  47. Brain Builder
  48. 4. Saving and Retrieving Data
  49. Getting Data from a Database
  50. Binding Data Controls
  51. Create a Sample Web Page
  52. Using a DataSource Control
  53. “Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain”
  54. Using the GridView Control
  55. Auto-Generated Code
  56. Adding Insert, Update, and Delete Statements
  57. Displaying and Updating the Data
  58. Take It for a Spin
  59. Modifying the Grid Based on Events
  60. Selecting Data from the GridView
  61. Passing Parameters to the SELECT Query
  62. Source Code Listings
  63. Summary
  64. Brain Builder
  65. 5. Validation
  66. Validation Controls
  67. The RequiredFieldValidator
  68. The Summary Control
  69. The Compare Validator
  70. Checking the Input Type
  71. Comparing to Another Control
  72. Range Checking
  73. Regular Expressions
  74. Custom Validation
  75. Summary
  76. Brain Builder
  77. 6. Style Sheets, Master Pages, and Navigation
  78. Styles and Style Sheets
  79. Cascading Style Sheets
  80. Inline Styles
  81. Pros and cons
  82. Document-Level Styles
  83. Pros and cons
  84. External Style Sheets
  85. Master Pages
  86. Creating a Master Page
  87. Adding Content Pages
  88. Using Nested Master Pages
  89. Changing the Master Page at Runtime
  90. Navigation
  91. Buttons and HyperLinks
  92. Menus and Bread Crumbs
  93. Site Maps
  94. Using Sitemaps
  95. TreeView
  96. Customizing the look and feel of the TreeView
  97. Replacing the TreeView with a menu control
  98. Accessing site map nodes programmatically
  99. Bread Crumbs
  100. Summary
  101. Brain Builder
  102. 7. State and Life Cycle
  103. Page Life Cycle
  104. State
  105. View State
  106. Session State
  107. Application State
  108. Summary
  109. Brain Builder
  110. 8. Errors, Exceptions, and Bugs, Oh My!
  111. Creating the Sample Application
  112. Tracing
  113. Page-Level Tracing
  114. Inserting into the Trace Log
  115. Debugging
  116. The Debug Toolbar
  117. Breakpoints
  118. Setting a breakpoint
  119. Breakpoint window
  120. Breakpoint properties
  121. Breakpoint icons
  122. Stepping Through Code
  123. Examining Variables and Objects
  124. Debug Windows
  125. Immediate window
  126. Locals window
  127. Watch window
  128. Call Stack window
  129. Error Handling
  130. Unhandled Errors
  131. Application-Wide Error Pages
  132. Page-Specific Error Pages
  133. Summary
  134. Brain Builder
  135. 9. Security and Personalization
  136. Forms-Based Security
  137. Creating Users with the WAT
  138. Managing Users Programmatically
  139. Creating user accounts
  140. Creating a welcome page
  141. Creating a login page
  142. Roles
  143. Restricting Access
  144. Testing for login status
  145. Testing for role-based authentication membership
  146. Personalization
  147. Profiles
  148. Simple data types
  149. Complex data types
  150. Anonymous Personalization
  151. Migrating anonymous data to an actual user’s record
  152. Themes and Skins
  153. Create the Test Site
  154. Organize Site Themes and Skins
  155. Enable Themes and Skins
  156. Specify Themes for Your Page
  157. Using Named Skins
  158. Summary
  159. Brain Builder
  160. 10. Putting It All Together
  161. Getting Started
  162. Adding Styles
  163. Using Master Pages
  164. Setting Up Roles and Users
  165. Logging In
  166. Navigation
  167. Products Page
  168. Adding AJAX
  169. Cart Page
  170. Purchase Page
  171. Confirm Page
  172. Custom Error Pages
  173. Summary
  174. Source Code Listings
  175. Cart Page
  176. Confirm Page
  177. Home Page
  178. Login Page
  179. Master Page
  180. Products Page
  181. Purchase Page
  182. Web.config
  183. A. Installing the Applications
  184. B. Copying a Web Site
  185. C. Answers to Quizzes and Exercises
  186. Index
书名:学习ASP.NET 2.0与AJAX(影印版)
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jesse Liberty
Jesse Liberty,现在是微软公司Silverlight开发团队的一名高级项目经理,他是《Programming .NET 3.5》、《Learning ASP.NET with AJAX》(都是O'Reilly出版社出版的)以及许多其他书的作者。他是一位著名的.NET专家,他具有在PBS担任软件架构师的经验,以及在AT&T担任优秀软件工程师的经验。你可以通过http://www.JesseLiberty.com与他取得联系。

Jesse Liberty是多部著作的作者,包括O'Reilly出版的Programming ASP.NET。Jesse 是Liberty Associates公司的总裁(http://WWW.LibertyAssociates.com)。这个公司提供.NET的培训、合同式编程服务,以及咨询。他曾是花旗银行电子发行部的副总裁,以及曾是AT&T、Ziff Davis、 Xerox 和PBS的杰出软件工程师(Distinguished Software Engineer)。

Jesse Liberty是许多计算机图书的作者,主题涉及面向对象编程、C++和Web编程。除本书外,还有O'Reilly即将出版的《Programming ASP.NET》。他是Liberty Associates公司(www.LibertyAssociates.com)的总裁,这个公司主要提供.NET技术培训、编程和咨询。他原来是花旗银行(Citibank)电子支付部门的副总裁。还曾经在AT&T、Ziff Davis、施乐和PBS公司担任过杰出软件工程师和架构师。
Jesse Liberty是Microsoft的Silverlight Development分部的高级项目经理。他的业务卡上的名字是“Silverlight Geek”(Silverlight奇客),并且他主要负责通过Silverlight.net培育Silverlight Developer社区。
Jesse是许多图书的作者,包括O’Reilly的Programming Silverlight 2和长期的畅销书Programming C# 3.0。Jesse具有20年的开发人员、作者和顾问的经历,并且是AT&T的著名软件工程师、PBS/Learning Link的软件架构师,以及Citibank的副总裁。他对自己编写的图书提供了全面的支持,可以访问他的博客,地址是:http://www.JesseLiberty.com。
Jesse Liberty, Microsoft .NET MVP, is the best-selling author of O'Reilly Media's Programming ASP.NET, Programming C#, Programming Visual Basic 2005, and over a dozen other books on web and object-oriented programming. He is president of Liberty Associates, Inc., where he provides contract programming, consulting, and on-site training in .NET.
Jesse is a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Networkweb sites, as well as many industry publications, and he has spoken at numerous events. He is a former Distinguished Software Engineer at AT&T, and Vice President for technology development at CitiBank.

Jesse Liberty is the best-selling author of O'Reilly's Learning ASP.NET with AJAX,
Programming C#, Programming .NET 3.5,and a dozen other books on programming.
He is a senior program manager at Microsoft on the Silverlight Development
Team, and a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Network web sites and publications.
Jesse is a former distinguished software engineer at AT&T and vice president for
technology development at CitiBank, and was an independent consultant for 12 years.
Dan Hurwitz
Dan Hurwitz是Sterling Solutions, Inc.的总裁,在该公司工作的近二十年中,他已经为许多客户提供了编程和数据库开发的服务。
Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for nearly two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients.
Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for nearly two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients. He has coauthored three editions of Programming ASP.NET.

Dan Hurwitz is the president of Sterling Solutions, Inc., where for more than two
decades he has been providing contract programming and database development to a
wide variety of clients.
Brian MacDonald
Brian MacDonald是计算机编程及网络方面书籍的编者,为许多出版社编辑了众多图书,主题涉及Windows服务器的安全性、PHP Web编程以及eBay交易等,为O'Reilly出版社编辑了《Programming WCF Services》和《Programming ASP.NET》,与Jesse Liberty先生一同参与了《Learning C# 2005》的编辑工作。
Brian MacDonald is an editor of programming and networking books. He has edited
books for several major publishers on topics ranging from securing Windows servers
to PHP web programming to running an eBay business. His workfor O’Reilly
includes Programming WCF Services and Programming ASP.NET. He also coauthored
Learning C# 2005 with Jesse Liberty. He lives in southeastern Pennsylvania
with his wife and son.

Brian MacDonald is a technical editor specializing in Microsoft .NET programming
topics. He has edited Programming C#, Programming ASP.NET, and Programming
WCF (all from O’Reilly). He is also the coauthor of Learning C# 2005, Learning C#
3.0, and Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX. He lives in southeastern Pennsylvania
with his wife and son.
The animal on the cover of Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX is a pelagic stingray
(Pteroplaytrygon violacea). The pelagic stingary is found worldwide in temperate to
tropical seas, in both open bays and deep ocean waters. While many other varieties
of rays live near the sandy ocean floor, the pelagic stingray primarily swims in open
water. It has many small sharp teeth and is sometimes seen feeding upside-down or
using its pectoral fins to push food into its mouth. It eats crustaceans, jellyfish,
octopus, squid, and small fish such as mackerel and herring.
Pelagic stingrays can grow up to five feet long and almost three feet wide. This is
small relative to other rays, which can be as long as 14 feet, yet is substantial enough
that its only predators are large marine creature, such as hammerhead and oceanic
whitetip sharks. Its coloring, dark purple or gray on top with a paler underside,
serves to camouflage the stingray from predators above. The pelagic stingray wards
off these predators with serrated, venomous spines, which protrude about one-third
of the way down its tail.
Pups, or baby stingrays, are born in small litters after a two- to four-month gestational
period. At birth, they are between 6 and 10 inches long, and they are able to
feed and take care of themselves. Though pelagic stingrays are often caught unintentionally
in fishing nets, they are not currently endangered, and some scientists have
noted a recent increase in pelagic stingray populations.