Dynamic HTML权威参考(第三版,影印版)
Dynamic HTML权威参考(第三版,影印版)
Danny Goodman
本书新版涵盖了最新的Web规范和浏览器功能,是使用HTML、XHTML、CSS、文档对象模型(DOM)和JavaScript进行开发的终极一站式资源宝库。本书是为那些需要将所编写的程序在主要浏览器(如Internet Explorer 7、Firefox 2、Safari、Opera等)中运行的Rich Internet Applications(RIA)设计者们所准备的综合参考书。
CSS Level 3、DOM Level 3、Web Forms 2.0、用于Ajax应用程序的XMLHttpRequest、JavaScript 1.7等等。本书的新版:
《Dynamic HTML权威参考》(第三版)可以加速你在Web页面中增添高级特性的整个进程。这本畅销书是所有正在创建动态Web内容的开发者们所不可或缺的必备宝典。
Danny Goodman是一位富有经验的专业作者,而且还是面向公司企业、顶尖内网开发团队的编程技术顾问。他在实现跨浏览器客户端脚本方面的技术专长十分走俏,这使他参与解决了很多现实问题。他已撰写了40余本书,包括畅销的O'Reilly图书《Dynamic HTML权威参考》(第一版和第二版)与《JavaScript & DHTML
  1. Preface
  2. Part I. Dynamic HTML Reference
  3. 1. HTML and XHTML Reference
  4. Attribute Value Types
  5. Shared HTML Element Attributes
  6. Shared Event Handler Attributes
  7. Alphabetical Tag Reference
  8. 2. Document Object Model Reference
  9. Property Value Types
  10. About client- and offset- Properties
  11. Default Property Values
  12. Events
  13. Static W3C HTML DOM Objects
  14. Shared Object Properties, Methods, and Events
  15. Alphabetical Object Reference
  16. 3. Event Reference
  17. Alphabetical Event Reference
  18. 4. Style Sheet Property Reference
  19. Property Value Types
  20. Selectors
  21. Pseudo-Element and Pseudo-Class Selectors
  22. At-Rules
  23. Conventions
  24. Alphabetical Property Reference
  25. 5. JavaScript Core Language Reference
  26. About Static Objects
  27. Mozilla Get and Set Methods
  28. ECMAScript for XML (E4X)
  29. ECMAScript Reserved Keywords
  30. Core Objects
  31. Operators
  32. Control Statements
  33. Miscellaneous Statements
  34. Special (Escaped) String Characters
  35. Part II. Cross References
  36. 6. HTML/XHTML Attribute Index
  37. 7. DOM Property Index
  38. 8. DOM Method Index
  39. 9. DOM Events Index
  40. Part III. Appendixes
  41. A. Color Names and RGB Values
  42. B. HTML Character Entities
  43. C. Keyboard Event Character Values
  44. D. Editable Content Commands
  45. E. HTML/XHTML DTD Support
  46. F. The Mozilla Browser Version Trail
  47. Glossary
  48. Index
书名:Dynamic HTML权威参考(第三版,影印版)
作者:Danny Goodman
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Danny Goodman
Danny Goodman从20世纪70年代末就开始撰写关于个人电脑和商业电子产品的内容。2006年是他的自由撰稿人和程序员生涯的第25年,这些年来他发表了数百篇杂志文章,几个商业软件产品,以及包括本书在内共45本计算机书籍。多年来,他在HyperCard、AppleScript、JavaScript和DynamicHTML方面的著作广为流传,这些书籍提供了非专业程序员也能使用的编程环境,而强大的内容也吸引了许多专家。他的《Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference》已经出了第3版,是O'Reilly销量最好的书籍之一。
The animal on the cover of Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, Third Edition,is a flamingo. Flamingos are easily identifiable by their long legs and neck, turneddown bill, and bright color, which ranges from white to pink to bright red. There are five living species of flamingo, encompassing the family Phoenicopteridae. Flamingos are found in Asia, Africa, Europe, South American, and the Caribbean islands.
Although wild flamingos are sometimes seen in Florida, they do not naturally nest in the United States.
Flamingos feed on small crustaceans, algae, and other unicellular organisms. Their unusually shaped bills provide flamingos with a unique food-filtering system.A flamingo eats by placing its head upside down below the water surface and sucking in water and small food particles through the serrated edges of its bill. The flamingo then pushes its thick, fleshy tongue forward, forcing the water out but trapping the food particles on lamellae inside the beak.
In the wild, flamingos tend to live in remote, difficult-to-reach areas. In the suburbs,however, they stand guard over many a front lawn.