WCF Service编程(影印版)
WCF Service编程(影印版)
Juval Lowy
《WCF Service编程》是一本关于Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)的权威入门指南,WCF是微软用于开发面向服务的Windows应用程序的统一(也有人说是革命性的)平台。本书作者Juval Lowy是微软公司软件部门的传奇人物,他参与了WCF的战略设计并与该开发团队共同工作,这本颇具实践指导意义的书表达了他的深刻见解,而不只是一份技术文档。
《WCF Service编程》专门阐述了某些设计决策背后的基本原理,对于那些文档稀缺、少人理解的SOA开发要点也着墨颇多。开发者和架构师们从本书中将不仅学到如何进行WCF编程,还能了解相关的设计指导原则、最佳实践和潜在陷阱。作者在本书中提及的技巧和应用程序均超越那些在传统资源中所找到的内容。
除了介绍面向服务的理念之外,《WCF Service编程》还涵盖了以下内容:
*service contract分解
*data contract版本和整编
《WCF Service编程》从软件工程角度讨论每一个话题,因此你学习完本书之后,不仅会成为一位WCF专家,还会成为一名更优秀的软件工程师。以本书所提供的深刻见解为武装,你将能随心设计可维护、可扩展、可重用的SOA应用程序。
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. 1. WCF Essentials
  4. What Is WCF?
  5. Services
  6. Addresses
  7. Contracts
  8. Hosting
  9. Bindings
  10. Endpoints
  11. Metadata Exchange
  12. Client-Side Programming
  13. Programmatic Versus Administrative Configuration
  14. WCF Architecture
  15. Working with Channels
  16. Reliability
  17. 2. Service Contracts
  18. Operation Overloading
  19. Contract Inheritance
  20. Service Contracts Factoring and Design
  21. Contract Queries
  22. 3. Data Contracts
  23. Serialization
  24. Data Contract Attributes
  25. Data Contract Hierarchy
  26. Data Contract Equivalence
  27. Versioning
  28. Enumerations
  29. Delegates and Data Contracts
  30. Data Sets and Tables
  31. Generics
  32. Collections
  33. 4. Instance Management
  34. Behaviors
  35. Per-Call Services
  36. Per-Session Services
  37. Singleton Service
  38. Demarcating Operations
  39. Instance Deactivation
  40. Throttling
  41. 5. Operations
  42. Request-Reply Operations
  43. One-Way Operations
  44. Callback Operations
  45. Events
  46. Streaming
  47. 6. Faults
  48. Errors and Exceptions
  49. Fault Contracts
  50. Error-Handling Extensions
  51. 7. Transactions
  52. The Recovery Challenge
  53. Transactions
  54. Transaction Propagation
  55. Transaction Protocols and Managers
  56. The Transaction Class
  57. Transactional Service Programming
  58. Explicit Transaction Programming
  59. Service State Management
  60. Instance Management and Transactions
  61. Callbacks
  62. 8. Concurrency Management
  63. Instance Management and Concurrency
  64. Service Concurrency Mode
  65. Instances and Concurrent Access
  66. Resources and Services
  67. Resource Synchronization Context
  68. Service Synchronization Context
  69. Custom Service Synchronization Context
  70. Callbacks and Client Safety
  71. Callbacks and Synchronization Context
  72. Asynchronous Calls
  73. 9. Queued Services
  74. Disconnected Services and Clients
  75. Queued Calls
  76. Transactions
  77. Instance Management
  78. Concurrency Management
  79. Delivery Failures
  80. Playback Failures
  81. Queued Versus Connected Calls
  82. Response Service
  83. HTTP Bridge
  84. 10. Security
  85. Authentication
  86. Authorization
  87. Transfer Security
  88. Identity Management
  89. Overall Policy
  90. Scenario-Driven Approach
  91. Intranet Application
  92. Internet Application
  93. Business-to-Business Application
  94. Anonymous Application
  95. No Security
  96. Scenarios Summary
  97. Declarative Security Framework
  98. Security Auditing
  99. A. Introduction to Service-Orientation
  100. B. Publish-Subscribe Service
  101. C. WCF Coding Standard
  102. Index
书名:WCF Service编程(影印版)
作者:Juval Lowy
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Juval Lowy
Juval Lowy是一名经验丰富的软件设计师,同时也是IDesign公司(一家咨询和培训公司,其业务集中在使用微软的COM+和.NET平台进行面向组件设计方面)的负责人。Juval非常热爱面向组件编程,作为早期采用者,Juval在COM和.NET方面拥有独到的经验。Juval是《Visual Studio》杂志(以前的VBPJ/VCDJ)和《.NET》杂志的特约撰稿人,还经常作为发言人出现在主要的软件开发会议上。他在UC Berkeley Extension讲授COM和.NET。Juval以前是KLATencor公司(《财富》评出的500强公司之一)的软件体系结构经理,他在那里设计和开发在公司之间使用的大型框架和组件。Juval住在加利福尼亚的San Jose。可以通过站点http://www.componentware.net与他联系。
The animal on the cover of Programming WCF Services is an angelfish. Angelfish are found in tropical and subtropical reefs around the world; there are at least 86 different species. The average size of an angelfish is about 7 to 12 inches (20 to 30cm), but their size varies greatly, as does their coloring, which changes with maturity.
Their diet consists of algae, worms, and various shellfish and small sea creatures. A spine on the gill cover differentiates the angelfish from the also colorful butterfly fish. Depending on the species, angelfish have different mating habits. Some mate for life in territorial pairs, while others create harems of female fish with one dominant male. All angelfish are protogynous hermaphrodites, which means that if the dominant male were to die or leave the group, a female would morph into a male for mating purposes.
In some countries angelfish are used for food, but mostly they are caught for aquariums.
Rare species of angelfish can range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars. In addition to collectors,angelfish are threatened by reef destruction and continual environmental degradation.