Baron Schwartz, Peter Zaitsev, Vadim Tkachenko, Jeremy D. Zawodny, Arjen Lentz, Derek
王小东, 李军, 康建勋 译
· 始终强调性能和可靠性。
· 全面论及各数据引擎,并深入讲解InnoDB的优化方法。
· 介绍MySQL 5.0和5.1的新特性,例如存储过程、分块数据库、触发器和视图。
· 具体细致地讨论如何使用MySQL构建出一个大型的、高伸缩性的系统。
· 可用于备份和复制的新方法。
· 对高级查询功能特性进行优化,例如全文检索。
· 4篇全新的附录。
“我不但要向刚刚接触MYSQL 服务器正准备编写第一个MySQL应用的初学者推荐这本书,还要向富有经验的用户推荐这本书,他们已经对基于MySQL的应用做过一些调优,现在正需要在这个方向上再前进‘一小步’”
——Michael Widenius, MySQL最初开发者

译者:王小东, 李军, 康建勋 译
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Baron Schwartz
Baron Schwartz目前是Percona公司的首席性能架构师。他创造了很多工具和技术,使得MySQL更加易用和可靠。
Peter Zaitsev
Peter Zaitsev是Percona公司的CEO和联合创始人。他是一位数据库内核、计算机硬件和应用扩展性方面的专家。他曾经负责管理MySQL的高性能小组,这项工作一直持续到2006年。
Vadim Tkachenko
Vadim Tkachenko是Percona公司的CTO和联合创始人。他目前负责带领Percona公司的开发小组,开发的产品包括Percona Server、Percona XtraDB集群,以及Percona XtraBackup。
Jeremy D. Zawodny
Jeremy D. Zawodny and his two cats moved from Northwest Ohio to Silicon Valley
in late 1999, so he could work for Yahoo!—just in time to witness the dot-com
bubble bursting firsthand. He spent eight and half years at Yahoo!, helping to put
MySQL and other open source technologies to use in fun, interesting, and often very
big ways.
In recent times, he’s rediscovered his love of aviation, earning a private pilot glider
license in early 2003 and his commercial pilot rating in 2005. Since then he’s spent
far too much of his free time flying gliders out of Hollister, California and the Lake
Tahoe area. He also flies single engine light airplanes now and then, coowning a
Citabria 7KCAB and Cessna 182. Occasional consulting work helps to pay for his
flying addiction.
Jeremy lives in the San Francisco Bay Area of California with his wonderful wife and
their four cats. He blogs at jeremy.zawodny.com/blog.
Arjen Lentz
Arjen Lentz was born in Amsterdam but has lived in Queensland, Australia since the
turn of the millennium, sharing his life these days with his beautiful daughter Phoebe
and black cat Figaro. Originally a C programmer, Arjen was employee #25 at
MySQL AB (2001–2007). After a brief break in 2007, Arjen founded Open Query
(http://openquery.com.au), which develops and provides its own data management
training and consulting services in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. Arjen also
regularly speaks at conferences and user groups. In his abundance of spare time,
Arjen indulges in cooking, gardening, reading, camping, and exploring the RepRap.
Visit his weblog at http://arjen-lentz.livejournal.com.