Juval Lowy
如今,您手上的是《.NET组件开发》的第二版。针对Visual Studio 2005和.NET 2.0,作者Juval Lowy对本书进行了全面修订。不仅使第一版中经典内容的阐述更加充实,而且增加了许多新的热点内容,如Generics的开发、迭代器和匿名方法的使用、.NET开发框架的演进等。书中详尽的阐述和代码实例将极大地帮助您加深对.NET组件开发的理解。
本书更具特色的内容有:关于Generics编程的介绍;作为业界事实标准的C#语言的编码规范;许多实用的辅助类和控制集,如基于ASP.NET 2.0凭证管理架构下的安全控制解决方案等。同时作者改写并扩展了原书第一版中许多实用的辅助类和工具。
● .NET组件的构建、打包及部署
● 接口与实现的分离
● 生命周期和资源的管理
● 事件的发布及订阅
● 异步调用的使用
● 多线程和并发管理
● 对象的序列化及状态的持久化
● 远程调用
● 定制服务的实现
● 构建安全性解决方案
Juval Lowy是IDesign公司(该公司为客户提供基于.NET技术的咨询和培训服务)的首席软件架构师。同时作为微软开发社区中的知名专家,鉴于他在.NET解决方案设计及实施中的杰出贡献,微软公司授予其“软件英杰”(Software Legend)的杰出荣誉。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Introducing Component-Oriented Programming
  3. Basic Terminology
  4. Component-Oriented Versus Object-Oriented Programming
  5. Principles of Component-Oriented Programming
  6. .NET Adherence to Component Principles
  7. Developing .NET Components
  8. 2. .NET Component-Oriented Programming Essentials
  9. Language Independence: The CLR
  10. Packaging and Deployment: Assemblies
  11. Binary Compatibility
  12. 3. Interface-Based Programming
  13. Separating Interface from Implementation
  14. Working with Interfaces
  15. Interfaces and Generics
  16. Designing and Factoring Interfaces
  17. Interfaces in Visual Studio 2005
  18. 4. Lifecycle Management
  19. The Managed Heap
  20. Traditional Memory De-allocation Schemas
  21. .NET Garbage Collection
  22. Object Finalization
  23. Deterministic Finalization
  24. 5. Versioning
  25. Assembly Version Number
  26. Assembly Deployment Models
  27. Strong Assembly Names
  28. Visual Studio 2005 and Versioning
  29. Custom Version Policies
  30. CLR Versioning
  31. 6. Events
  32. Delegate-Based Events
  33. Working with .NET Events
  34. 7. Asynchronous Calls
  35. Requirements for an Asynchronous Mechanism
  36. Revisiting Delegates
  37. Asynchronous Call Programming Models
  38. Asynchronous Error Handling
  39. Asynchronous Events
  40. Asynchronous Invocation Pitfalls
  41. Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Processing
  42. 8. Multithreading and Concurrency Management
  43. Threads and Multithreading
  44. Components and Threads
  45. Working with Threads
  46. Synchronizing Threads
  47. Automatic Synchronization
  48. Manual Synchronization
  49. The WorkerThread Wrapper Class
  50. Synchronizing Delegates
  51. Using .NET Multithreading Services
  52. 9. Serialization and Persistence
  53. Automatic Serialization
  54. Serialization Formatters
  55. Serialization Events
  56. Serialization and Streams
  57. Custom Serialization
  58. Serialization and Class Hierarchies
  59. 10. Remoting
  60. Application Domains
  61. Remote Object Types
  62. Marshaling-by-Reference Activation Modes
  63. The .NET Remoting Architecture
  64. Building a Distributed Application
  65. Leasing and Sponsorship
  66. .NET and Location Transparency
  67. 11. Context and Interception
  68. .NET Component Services
  69. The .NET Context
  70. Custom Component Services
  71. 12. Security
  72. The .NET Security Architecture
  73. Configuring Permissions
  74. Programmatic Security
  75. Visual Studio 2005 and Security
  76. Principal-Based Security
  77. Addressing Other Security Issues
  78. A. Interface-Based Web Services
  79. B. Unifying Windows Forms and ASP.NET Security
  80. C. Reflection and Attributes
  81. D. Generics
  82. E. C# Coding Standard
  83. Index
作者:Juval Lowy
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Juval Lowy
Juval Lowy是一名经验丰富的软件设计师,同时也是IDesign公司(一家咨询和培训公司,其业务集中在使用微软的COM+和.NET平台进行面向组件设计方面)的负责人。Juval非常热爱面向组件编程,作为早期采用者,Juval在COM和.NET方面拥有独到的经验。Juval是《Visual Studio》杂志(以前的VBPJ/VCDJ)和《.NET》杂志的特约撰稿人,还经常作为发言人出现在主要的软件开发会议上。他在UC Berkeley Extension讲授COM和.NET。Juval以前是KLATencor公司(《财富》评出的500强公司之一)的软件体系结构经理,他在那里设计和开发在公司之间使用的大型框架和组件。Juval住在加利福尼亚的San Jose。可以通过站点http://www.componentware.net与他联系。
The animal on the cover of Programming .NET Components, Second Edition, is a
land hermit crab (Coenobita clypeatus). Land hermit crabs are found in tropical areas
of the Indo-region, the western Atlantic, and the western Caribbean. They live close
to the shoreline and must have access to land and water.
The front half of a hermit crab is covered with a hard exoskeleton. The long
abdomen has a softer exoskeleton that can adjust to fit into a spiraled shell. The large
left claw is used for defense, for holding onto tree limbs, and for balance. The smaller
right claw and the next pair of appendages are used for collecting and passing food
and water to the mouth. Hermit crabs have stalked eyes with acute vision and two
pairs of antennae. The longer pair of antennae is used for feeling, the shorter for
smelling and tasting.
The land hermit crab doesn’t have a hard shell of its own; it uses old empty shells to
protect its soft body. As it grows in size, the hermit crab must find a larger shell.
When danger threatens, it hides in the shell and closes the entrance with its hard
claw. Hermit crabs are omnivores and scavengers. They eat worms, plankton, and
organic debris.
Although land-based, these crabs must return to the sea to breed. Both males and
females partially emerge from their shells to mate. The female lays her hundreds of
eggs inside the borrowed shell. These eggs are safe and damp in the shell but, when
they hatch, they must be released in the sea. The young are in danger until they find
a shell of their own. When they reach adulthood, the crabs migrate to begin their
terrestrial life. Land hermit crabs live about 10 years.