David M. Bourg
在担任造船师及航海工程师时,曾经完成电脑模拟和研发分析工具程序,可测量舰艇的性能和计算舰艇在运动时水波的影响。他还教授大专的船体设计、建造和分析等相关课程。David也在高中讲授造船及软体开发等主题的课程。除了有工程实际的背景之外,他也在自己的公司(Crescent Vision Interactive,www.crescentvision.com)从事专业的电脑游戏研发和咨询工作。现在参与的项目有大型的多人线上角色扮演游戏,以Java写成的多人游戏,以及许多Macintosh移植到PC的游戏。此外,David目前也在攻读工程及应用科学系的博士学位。
Glenn Seemann
Glenn Seemann是游戏程序员,有十几个Mac和Windows系统的游戏都是他的杰作。
他是Crescent Vision Interactive这家游戏开发公司的创办人之一,专门开发跨
Glenn Seemann is veteran game programmer with over dozen Mac and Windows systems games to his credit. He is co-founder of Crescent Vision Interactive, a game development company specializing in cross-platform games.
Ring-tailed lemurs have distinctive bushy tail with alternating bands of black and white rings. Their tails can reach lengths of up to 25 inches. They also have black, pointed muzzle, which is typical among the various species of lemur.
These lemurs prefer more open areas, such as rocky plains and desert areas, and typi-cally travel on the ground, although they will sometimes walk on large limbs in trees. This differentiates them from other lemur species, which prefer forested areas and travel almost exclusively in trees.
Similar to cats, Ring-tailed lemurs have reflective layer in the back of their eyes. This allows them to have excellent night vision. Their tails are highly scented, and are used to warn other lemurs of approaching danger. The tails are also an integral part of the mating process. The males will use their scent to try and attract the females, and vicious "stink fights " can often erupt within the group..
Ring-tailed lemurs live in groups of between five and thirty members. They have distinct hierarchies that are enforced by frequent, aggressive confrontations between members. Females, who stay in the group for their entire lives, dominate the group. Males will often change groups at least once during their lifetime.
Living in arid habitats, Ring-tailed lemurs quench their thirst with juicy fruits. They will also eat leaves, flowers, insects, and tree gum.
Like most lemurs, Ring-tails have only one baby,although twins or even triplets are common when food is plentiful. Newborns are quite helpless and are carried around by the mother in her mouth until they can hold on to her fur by themselves. They will then ride around on the mother's back. They first begin to climb after about three weeks, and are usually independent after six months. They can live for up to 27 years in the wild.