Jonathan Corbet
Jonathan Corbet早在1981年就开始接触BSD Unix的源代码。那时,科罗拉多大 学的一名讲师让他“修正”其中的分页算法。从那时起直到现在,他深入研究了他 所遇到的每一个系统,其中包括VAX、Sun、Ardent以及x86系统的驱动程序。他 在 1993年第一次接触Linux系统,从此以后一直从事Linux的开发。Corbet先生是 《Linux Weekly News》(的创始人和执行主编。他和妻子及两个孩子生活在科罗拉多州的玻尔得市(Boulder)。
Alessandro Rubini
Alessandro Rubini在获得电子工程师资格后不久,他就安装了Linux 0.99.14版 本。后来,他在Pavia大学获得了计算机科学博士学位。但很快他就离开了大学, 因为他实在不想写文章。现在,他是一名自由撰稿人,编写有关设备驱动程序方面的文章(这也许是命运的安排)。在他的小孩出世之前,他曾是一名年轻的黑客,而现在他是一位老练、偏爱非PC计算机平台开发的自由软件鼓吹者。
Greg Kroah-Hartman
Greg Kroah-Hartman has been building the Linux kernel since 1996 and started
writing Linux kernel drivers in 1999. He is currently the maintainer of the USB,
PCI,driver core,and sysfs subsystems in the kernel source tree and is also one half of the -stable kernel release team. He created the udev program and maintains the Linux hotplug userspace project. He is a Gentoo Linux developer as well as the coauthor of the third edition of Linux Device Drivers (O'Reilly) and a contributing editor to Linux Journal. He also created and maintains the Linux Device Driver Kit. He currently works for SUSE Labs/Novell,doing various Linux kernelrelated tasks.
Greg Kroah-Hartman has been writing Linux kernel drivers since 1999 and is currently the maintainer for the USB, PCI, I2C, driver core, and sysfs kernel subsystems. He is also the maintainer of the udev and hotplug userspace programs, as well as a Gentoo kernel maintainer, ensuring that his inbox is never empty. He is a contributing editor to Linux Journal magazine.
本书封面上的动物是一匹脱缰的烈马。这副图的彩色版可见 William Thayer所著的《Marvels of the New West: A Vivid Portrayal of the Stupendous Marvels in the Vast Wonderland West of the Missouri River》(The Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich, CT,1888)。Thayer援引一名仓库管理员的话详细描述了一匹脱缰的烈马:“当马受惊时,它会将自己的头放在两条前腿中间,弓起它的后背,就像一只发怒的猫,然后,它跃向空中,并发出一声可怕的嘶鸣。有时,它会不停地跳跃,直到完全疲惫为止。如果骑手还在马鞍上,那么他也会一样疲惫。当然,骑在受惊的马身上而不被甩下来是很困难的,尤其当那马是一匹真正训练有素的烈马时,它每跳一下,骑手都会往旁边倾斜一次。这种墨西哥式的马鞍上有两条肚带,这样就能牢牢拴住马鞍,但是两条肚带经常会使马受惊 ,而只有一条肚带时却不会。有时候,不把马惹急了就没办法系好侧肚带。”