Apache 权威指南(第二版,影印版,含光盘)
Apache 权威指南(第二版,影印版,含光盘)
Ben Laurie, Peter Laurie
Apache是1995年初根据NCSA httpd 1.3开发的。它以健壮的功能、高效率和快的反应速度闻名于世,成为几乎所有UNIX平台首选的HTTP服务器,新版本的Apache还支持Win32系统。

  1. Preface
  2. 1. Getting Started
  3. How Does Apache Work?
  4. What to Know About TCP/IP
  5. How Does Apache Use TCP/IP?
  6. What the Client Does
  7. What Happens at the Server End?
  8. Which Unix?
  9. Which Apache?
  10. Making Apache Under Unix
  11. Apache Under Windows
  12. Apache Under BS2000/OSD and AS/400
  13. 2. Our First Web Site
  14. What Is a Web Site?
  15. Apache's Flags
  16. site.toddle
  17. Setting Up a Unix Server
  18. Setting Up a Win32 Server
  19. 3. Toward a Real Web Site
  20. More and Better Web Sites: site.simple
  21. Butterthlies, Inc., Gets Going
  22. Block Directives
  23. Other Directives
  24. Two Sites and Apache
  25. Controlling Virtual Hosts on Unix
  26. Controlling Virtual Hosts on Win32
  27. Virtual Hosts
  28. Two Copies of Apache
  29. HTTP Response Headers
  30. Options
  31. Restarts
  32. .htaccess
  33. CERN Metafiles
  34. Expirations
  35. 4. Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  36. Turning the Brochure into a Form
  37. Writing and Executing Scripts
  38. Script Directives
  39. Useful Scripts
  40. Debugging Scripts
  41. Setting Environment Variables
  42. suEXEC on Unix
  43. Handlers
  44. Actions
  45. 5. Authentication
  46. Authentication Protocol
  47. Authentication Directives
  48. Passwords Under Unix
  49. Passwords Under Win32
  50. New Order Form
  51. Order, Allow, and Deny
  52. Digest Authentication
  53. Anonymous Access
  54. Experiments
  55. Automatic User Information
  56. Using .htaccess Files
  57. Overrides
  58. 6. MIME, Content and Language Negotiation
  59. MIME Types
  60. Content Negotiation
  61. Language Negotiation
  62. Type Maps
  63. Browsers and HTTP/1.1
  64. 7. Indexing
  65. Making Better Indexes in Apache
  66. Making Our Own Indexes
  67. Imagemaps
  68. 8. Redirection
  69. Rewrite
  70. Speling
  71. 9. Proxy Server
  72. Proxy Directives
  73. Caching
  74. Setup
  75. 10. Server-Side Includes
  76. File Size
  77. File Modification Time
  78. Includes
  79. Execute CGI
  80. Echo
  81. XBitHack
  82. XSSI
  83. 11. What's Going On?
  84. Status
  85. Server Status
  86. Server Info
  87. Logging the Action
  88. 12. Extra Modules
  89. Authentication
  90. Blocking Access
  91. Counters
  92. Faster CGI Programs
  93. FrontPage from Microsoft
  94. Languages and Internationalization
  95. Server-Side Scripting
  96. Throttling Connections
  97. URL Rewriting
  98. Miscellaneous
  99. MIME Magic
  100. DSO
  101. 13. Security
  102. Internal and External Users
  103. Apache's Security Precautions
  104. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash
  105. Firewalls
  106. Legal Issues
  107. Secure Sockets Layer: How to Do It
  108. Apache-SSL's Directives
  109. Cipher Suites
  110. SSL and CGI
  111. 14. The Apache API
  112. Pools
  113. Per-Server Configuration
  114. Per-Directory Configuration
  115. Per-Request Information
  116. Access to Configuration and Request Information
  117. Functions
  118. 15. Writing Apache Modules
  119. Overview
  120. Status Codes
  121. The Module Structure
  122. A Complete Example
  123. General Hints
  124. A. Support Organizations
  125. B. The echo Program
  126. C. NCSA and Apache Compatibility
  127. D. SSL Protocol
  128. E. Sample Apache Log
书名:Apache 权威指南(第二版,影印版,含光盘)
作者:Ben Laurie, Peter Laurie
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Ben Laurie
Ben Laurie 是Apache开发小组的一个成员,他自1978年起开始他的程序员生涯。
Peter Laurie
Peter Laurie是Ben Laurie的父亲,他是一个出过几本计算机图书的自由撰稿人。在一段时间里,他还曾经担任过《Practical Computer》杂志的编辑。