Free As In Freedom:Richard Stallman的自由软件运动(影印版)
Free As In Freedom:Richard Stallman的自由软件运动(影印版)
Sam Williams
-Tim Berners-Lee,WWW的创始人、W3C的主管
-Ed Schonberg,纽约大学计算机系教授
-摘自Bill Gates于1976所写的“致Hobbyists的一封公开信”
-Lawrence Lessig,斯坦福法学院教授,Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace 一书的作者
-Linux创始人Linus Torvalds于1990年第一次见到Stallman时说了上述这番话
-Bob Young,Red Hat公司的创始人之一
  1. Preface
  2. 1. For Want of a Printer
  3. 2. 2001: A Hacker's Odyssey
  4. 3. A Portrait of the Hacker as a Young Man
  5. 4. Impeach God
  6. 5. Small Puddle of Freedom
  7. 6. The Emacs Commune
  8. 7. A Stark Moral Choice
  9. 8. St. Ignucius
  10. 9. The GNU General Public License
  11. 10. GNU/Linux
  12. 11. Open Source
  13. 12. A Brief Journey Through Hacker Hell
  14. 13. Continuing the Fight Epilogue: Crushing Loneliness
  15. A. Terminology 201
  16. B. Hack, Hackers, and Hacking
  17. C. GNU Free Documentation License(GFDL)
  18. Index
书名:Free As In Freedom:Richard Stallman的自由软件运动(影印版)
作者:Sam Williams
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Sam Williams
Sam Williams是美国纽约的一位自由作家。他主要关注高科技文化,特别是软件开发文化,以及很多Web站点。从1988年到2001年,他为Upside Today撰写一个关于开源软件社区的专栏,他还为BeOpen.com网站进行过访谈。本书是他写的第二本书。
The cover of this book was designed and produced in Adobe Pho-toshop
5.5 and QuarkXPress 4.1 with Interstate and Sabon fonts.
The cover photograph of Richard Stallman was taken by Sam
Ogden/Photo Researchers, Inc.
The interior of the book is set in Adobe's Sabon font and was
produced in FrameMaker 5.5.6. Sabon was designed by Jan
Tschichold in 1964. The roman design is based on Garamond; the
italic is based on typefaces created by Robert Granjon, one of
Garamond's contemporaries. Sabon is a registered trademark of
Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.
Many people contributed to this project, including Tim O'Reilly,
Laurie Petrycki, Jeffrey Holcomb, Edie Freedman, Hanna Dyer,
Emma Colby, Melanie Wang, David Futato, Sheryl Avruch, Claire
Cloutier, Joe Wizda, Rachel Wheeler, and Leanne Soylemez.