Rob Orsini
Rob Orsini是一位开源开发者,他现居住在加利福尼亚北部,就职于O’Reilly Media公司软件产品组。在此之前,他担任Industrial Light&Magic网站的管理员,从事一些与工业相关的特定的应用程序的开发。Rob从1998年开始从事Web开发工作,不久后发现了Rails并希望自己今后一直能在这方面工作下去。他同时也是一位爵士音乐家,而且还是一位非常慈爱的父亲。Rob Orsini is an open source developer living in northern California. He currently works for O'Reilly Media in the production software group. Previously, Rob was the webmaster at Industrial Light & Magic, where he developed applications in support of the special effects industry. Rob has been programming the Web since 1998, and upon discovering Rails, hopes to continue for many more years to come. Rob is also a jazz musician and a loving father.