Louis Rosenfeld
Lou Rosenfeld是独立的信息架构顾问,可算是这个领域的创始人之一,协助Accenture、Caterpillar、CDC、Ford、Microsoft,以及NCAA这些客户开发信息架构策略和提供内部人员专业训练。Lou于1990年与人合伙成立业内领先的公司Argus Associates,并在1993~2001年之间担任总裁。他在ASIS & T一系列成功的信息架构高峰会中扮演关键角色,而且与人合作成立该领域的专业协会:信息架构学会及Uxnet(User Experience Network)。
Lou最近的成就包括成立Rosenfeld Media;这是一家出版社,专门出版用户体验书籍。每年他也会在6个城市开设研讨班,教授企业信息架构。
Lou拥有密西根大学图书馆学硕士学位,目前也在该校教授研究生课程。Lou和他的妻子Mary Jean Babic、女儿Iris,以及猫Schwa住在密西根州安阿伯市。他的博客地址是 www.louisrosenfeld.com。
Louis Rosenfeld is now an independent consultant, helping such clients as Ford and Hewlett-Packard develop their information architecture strategies and in-house expertise. Lou co-founded industry leader Argus Associates in 1990,and was its president from 1993-2001. He is a frequent conference presenter,and teaches highly popular information architecture seminars for the NielsenNorman Group's User Experience Conference series. Lou
played a leading role in creating ASIS&T's successful information architecture summits and many other initiatives to develop and serve the broader information architecture community. He is the author and editor of numerous books, book chapters, and articles and has contributed regularly to Web Review, CIO, and Internet
World magazines.
Lou has an advanced degree in information and library studies from the University of Michigan, where he has also taught graduate courses.Lou blogs at www.louisrosenfeld.com, and lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with his wife, Mary Jean Babic, and Schwa the cat.