Kevin E. Kline
Kevin E. Kline是Quest Software(的SQL Server难题小组技术总监。他领导一支跨国团队,专门为SQL Server市场规划并交付工具。Kevin是SQL Server专业协会(PASS,的发起人,PASS是首屈一指的SQL Server用户群,而他目前也担任这个协会的会长。除了在数据库及IT基础建设的相关会议上演说外,Kevin也编写了另外四本数据库方面的书籍,包括《TransactSQL Programming》(O'Reilly出版),还发表了许多关于Microsoft SQL Server的杂志与网络文章以及白皮书。当Kevin没为手边的工作搔头弄发时(虽然他的头发也剩不了多少了),他会跟老婆浪漫一下,陪四个小孩玩,在花园里莳花弄草。Kevin E. Kline is the director of SQL Server Solutions at Quest Software, a leading
provider of award-winning tools for database management and application monitoring
on the SQL Server platform. Kevin is also the president of the international
Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and frequently contributes to database
technology magazines, web sites, and discussion forums. He is the coauthor of
Transact-SQL Programming (O’Reilly) and three other books on database technologies.
Kevin is a top-rated speaker, appearing at international conferences such as
Microsoft TechEd, DevTeach, PASS, Microsoft IT Forum, and SQL Connections.