Curt Hibbs
Curt Hibbs长久以来一直热衷于新技术及新趋势的发展。然而,他会告诉你之所以如此纯粹是因为他懒,他总是在寻求新方法与新技术,好让工作更轻松愉快、更具生产力。这种倾向促成他在2001年发现Ruby(当时,Ruby在日本以外相对不为人知),也让他开创了一些极为成功的Ruby开放源码项目。在他的职业生涯里的大部分时间中(开始于20世纪70年代早期),Curt曾经担任一些著名公司的顾问,如Hewlett Packard、Intuit、Corel、WordStar、Charles Schwab、Vivendi Universal等,他也曾担任一些新创公司的重要职务。Curt目前任职于在圣路易的波音公司,做资深软件工程师。Curt Hibbs has always been slightly obsessed with new technologies and tracking technology trends. But he will tell you that this is simply because he is lazy, always looking for new methods and technologies to make his work easier and more productive. This tendency led to his discovery of Ruby in 2001 (when it was still relatively unknown outside of Japan) and to his founding several highly successful Ruby open source projects. For most of his professionalcareer, which started in the early 1970s, Curt has been a consultant to well-known companies such as Hewlett Packard, Intuit, Corel, WordStar, Charles Schwab, Vivendi Universal, and more. He has also been a principal in several startups.
Curt now works as a Senior SoftwareEngineer for The Boeing Company in St. Louis.